THelpTopic THelpTopic NewsWerthy Offline Mail Reader This is a program that allows you to read and reply to your mail offline. The menus are accessed by pressing Alt-Z, where Z is the highlighted letter of the menu. For example, the "File" menu is pulled down by Alt-F. When text in a help message is highlighted, press the Enter key to read additional help. Press the Tab key to select from more than one. Press the Enter key to get help on keys. ) Press Esc to put this help screen away. THelpTopic File (Alt-F) The File menu offers choices for opening a new packet, viewing text files, temporarily exiting to a dos shell, and exiting the program. / Packet View File Dos Shell MExit THelpTopic File New Packet Select this to open a new mail packet (uncompress). % The New Packet dialog box contains: an input box with a history list a list box to browse the directory the standard Cancel button Open action button an information panel that describes the selected file THelpTopic Help on New Packet dialog Use this to select a packet to uncompress for reading. Any file can be accessed using its controls. For example, to select a file in drive A, type A: in the input box and press the Enter key, then select the file from the file list box and press the Enter key. THelpTopic Help on View a File The View a File dialog box contains: an input box with a history list a list box to browse the directory the standard Cancel button Open action button an information panel that describes the selected file THelpTopic File View File Select this to open a text file viewer. THelpTopic File Dos Shell Select this to shell to DOS temporarily. Ctrl-S can be pressed anywhere, (yes anywhere), to shell to DOS. THelpTopic File Exit The Exit command leaves NewsWerthy. THelpTopic Help on View a File Window Read the File using the Page Up, Page Down, Ctrl-Page Up, Ctrl-Page Down, Home, End, Ctrl-right arrow, Ctrl-left arrow, up arrow, down arrow keys or use the mouse pointer on the scroll bar to the right. THelpTopic not used THelpTopic News Incoming Read News Select this to read your news. The news packet must first have been uncompressed using New Packet in the File menu. THelpTopic not used THelpTopic News Incoming Read Stored News Select this to read news previously stored in "folders". These are the messages you've saved while reading your news. They are located in the folders directory entered in Setup. THelpTopic News Incoming Restore Indexes If error messages occur while reading messages, the index or book mark files may have become corrupted or deleted. Select this to rebuild the indexes (*.IDX) and book marks (*.BKM) from the message (*.MSG) files. This will also clear any book marks that have been set. THelpTopic News Incoming Expire Messages in Database You can select whether to expire all messages, read messages or just those that will normally be expired when the next packet is imported. THelpTopic confList, not used THelpTopic IDxList, not Used THelpTopic Help on Newsgroup list Select a newsgroup to read using using the space bar, enter key or double click on it with the mouse. Highlight a newsgroup in the list using Page Up, Page Down, Ctrl-Page Up, Ctrl-Page Down, Home, End, up arrow and down arrow keys or use the mouse pointer on the scroll bar to the right. O Press the highlighted letter of an item in the hint line to do the following: H Mark as Read: To mark all messages in the selected newsgroup as read. L Mark as Unread: To mark all messages in the selected newsgroup as unread. + Uqwk Commands: To send commands to uqwk. Delete: To delete the selected newsgroup and it's messages from the list. You are given the option to leave the newsgroup, and to save the messages to a text file if it is a folder. a Options: Brings up a dialog (if in databasing mode), to set the various Databasing Options. Commands not on hint line: { Shift arrow: Press the shift key and the up or down arrow to move the selected message up or down in the newsgroup list. 3 Alt-H: Toggle the "Hide read newsgroups" option. THelpTopic Help on Messages list Select a message to read using the space bar, enter key or double click on it with the mouse. Highlight a message in the list using Page Up, Page Down, Ctrl-Page Up, Ctrl-Page Down, Home, End, up arrow and down arrow keys or use the mouse pointer on the scroll bar to the right. O Press the highlighted letter of an item in the hint line to do the following: Mark: To mark message(s). 6 Find: To find messages that contain selected words. Sort (Messages): The message list normally is sorted on the subject. This can temporarily be changed to use the date, author (From) or none. Save: To append or replace a file with the contents of the message, save an attached file in the message or save the message to a folder. Z Prn: Print all of the message or the highlighted portion of the message to the printer. Edit: To edit the selected message. If this is a reply message, the modified message will be re-zipped into the reply packet. y Del: To deleted the selected message. If this is a reply message, the replies will be re-zipped into the reply packet. D Next Subject: Press the tab key to skip down to the next subject. F Unread: To mark a message as unread (no * at start of line in list) s All Read (or *): To mark all messages in the newsgroup read, and then go to the next group with unread messages. q Msg: To post a message to the current newsgroup (or any newsgroup, simply change the newsgroup name). ? Alt-V: Run external viewer entered in setup to view message. THelpTopic Help on Message Window Read the message using the Page Up, Page Down, Ctrl-Page Up, Ctrl-Page Down, Home, End, Ctrl-right arrow, Ctrl-left arrow, up arrow, down arrow keys or use the mouse pointer on the scroll bar to the right. Clicking on the message or pressing the space bar brings up the next page/message. j Home displays the start of the message body. To see the header, press the Home key then the Page Up key. / Esc (or Del) returns you to the message list. O Press the highlighted letter of an item in the hint line to do the following: f Addr Book: To add the message author's email address to the address book along with an alias to it. h Reply: To reply to message with either email or in a newsgroup. Also to forward or re-send a message. Save: To append or replace a file with the contents of the message, save an attached file in the message or save the message to a folder. Z Prn: Print all of the message or the highlighted portion of the message to the printer. Edit: To edit the displayed message. If this is a reply message, the modified message will be re-zipped into the reply packet. z Del: To deleted the displayed message. If this is a reply message, the replies will be re-zipped into the reply packet. p Top Bot: Use these to highlight a portion of a message, from the Top to the Bottom, then append it to a file. 3 - Msg: Goes to previous message in message list. _ + Msg: Goes to next message in message list (even if read) or next match from a text search. } Kill: Used to enter the subject or author of the message into the kill file. Kill files only work when in databasing mode. F Text: To find the line in the message with the text you've entered. ( Ctrl-S: Shell out to DOS temporarily. ! Alt-R: Rot13 the message text. / Alt-W: Toggle word wrap (and tab expansion). & Alt-T: Save message to a Text file. THelpTopic Help on Save Message Dialog Messages can be saved to a folder, or appended to or replace a file. If saved to a folder, the whole message will be saved. If the newsgroup name matches one in the folders pick list, it will automatically appear in the input line, else whatever was used last will appear. This can be edited or a name can be selected from the folders pick list. A folder name can contain any character except a space. I recommend you use the newsgroup name in most cases. Select the Save to File button, to append to or replace a file with either the highlighted portion or all of the message. The file name can be selected in a save dialog box. M Select Save Attached File button, to save any attached file in the message. THelpTopic Help on Move Message If enabled, messages will be saved, then deleted from their current location. THelpTopic Help on Save Message Dialog Either the highlighted portion or all of the message can be appended or wrote over a file selected in the dialog box. The Save Message dialog box contains: an input box with a history list a list box to browse the directory the standard Cancel button OK action button (to append) Replace action button (to overwrite) (Press Alt-R) + an information panel that describes the selected file THelpTopic Help on Save to Folder Enter the name of the folder to save the message to, or select a name from the pick list (press the down arrow key). THelpTopic not used THelpTopic Selecting "Save Attached File" will decode & save the encoded text in the message to a file. The "begin" line (for UUEncode or XXEncode) or the Content-Type: line (for Base64) in the message contains the default name of the file. To recreate an attached file contained across several messages, save the first attached file, then append the rest in order. The Save Attached File dialog box contains: an input box with a history list a list box to browse the directory the standard Cancel button OK action button (to append) Replace action button (to overwrite) (Press Alt-R) + an information panel that describes the selected file THelpTopic This is a list of folders for saving messages and can be changed like any standard pick list. When a folder is added a new file is created for saving messages. When a folder name is edited the old file is not changed, this only changes the name you use. When a folder is deleted, you are given the option of deleting the file or saving it to a new file before deleting the folder. THelpTopic Help on Search Messages Dialog All messages in a newsgroup are searched for a match. The messages can be searched by text message, subject or author. If more than one search type is used, a match in either is a match. After the search is done a list of messages that contained a match is displayed. These messages can then be viewed. THelpTopic Help on Search Message Dialog The message can be searched for a match in the text of the message. If a match is found, the line is highlighted in the center of the screen. To find another occurence of the same, press the "+" key. THelpTopic Help on Text key(s) Enter a search phrase to search for a match in the body (subject also if searching newsgroup) of the message(s). A search phrase can be selected from the picklist. THelpTopic Help on Subject Enter a search phrase to search for a match in the Subject line of the messages in the newsgroup. A search phrase can be selected from the picklist. THelpTopic Help on From Enter a search phrase to search for a match in the From line of the messages in the newsgroup. A search phrase can be selected from the picklist. If the message has a To or Newsgroups line in the folders or replies instead, this will be searched. THelpTopic Help on Start search Select this button to start your search after entering the search words into the search dialog. THelpTopic This is a list of search phrases for the body of the message and can be changed like any standard pick list. THelpTopic This is a list of search phrases for the Subject line in the header of a message and can be changed like any standard pick list. THelpTopic This is a list of search phrases for the From line in the header of a message and can be changed like any standard pick list. THelpTopic This is the address book for the To, Cc and Bcc lines in the header of a message and can be changed like any standard pick list. THelpTopic This is a list of email addresses for the Reply-To line in the header of a message and can be changed like any standard pick list. THelpTopic This is a list of names of organizations for the Organization line in the header of a message and can be changed like any standard pick list. THelpTopic This is a list of message headers for the Extra Header line in the header of a message and can be changed like any standard pick list. If you just want to add your own header line, start it with X- and be sure to put a colon and a space between the header name and its contents. Any header that doesn't start with X- should be one of the standard ones. THelpTopic not used THelpTopic Help on Message Reply Options The message header is for the most part generated automatically by NewsWerthy. ; The Subject line is only required for newsgroup messages. a If email is sent, the To line must be entered or an address can be selected from the pick list. The CC and BCC lines are optional. These are used to indicate additional recipients of the message. These are used the same, except that a blind carbon copy won't contain this header line in the recipient's message. If a message is sent to a newsgroup, the Newsgroup line is required, but can be changed. A message can be cross-posted by entering more than one newsgroup, each seperated by a comma with no space (,). 1 The rest are optional, and are used as follows: D Followup-To: Enter a newsgroup name where replies will be posted. Q Keywords: A few well selected keywords identifying the message can be entered. + Summary: A brief summary of the message. 6 Reply-To: To indicate where replies can be sent to. / Organization: To indicate your organization. P Extra Header: To add a line not listed above. See the help for the pick list. ) For additional information see RFC 1036 Selecting Attach File will add a binary file of your choosing to the message. I recommend not using a signiture with this option if the recipient of the message is not using NewsWerthy. A signature (stored in NWERTHY.SIG in the work directory) is appended to your reply when the Add Signature option is selected. The reply is saved to the auto-saved.replies folder (in addition to the reply packet) when the Auto-Save Reply option is selected. THelpTopic no help THelpTopic Select the type of encoding of the binary file, most likely to be in use by the recipient of the message. See the manual for more details. THelpTopic Select split the file attachment, unless you are sure the recipient is able to handle the possible large single message. A file attachment is split into chunks of 850 lines per message. THelpTopic Help on File to Attach dialog Use this to select a file to attach to the message. Any file can be accessed using its controls. For example, to select a file in drive A, type A: in the input box and press the Enter key, then select the file from the file list box and press the Enter key. THelpTopic This is a list of newsgroups for the Newsgroups or Followup-To line in the header of a message and can be changed like any standard pick list. NewsWerthy adds newsgroups to this list when you use the "smart searching" feature. Don't delete the newsgroup from this list, if you are using that feature. THelpTopic Help on Reply Options Select the reply type from the dialog, News if you want your reply to appear in the newsgroup, Mail if you want to send a personal message, Forward if you want to send the message to a friend or Mailing List if you want your reply to go to everyone on the mailing list. Use Re-send Mail to re-send a message from the auto-saved.replies folder. j Select Quote Message to include the original message in the reply, or Don't Quote to start from scratch. If you want to start a new thread use the Post Msg command instead. Use this dialog only for follow-ups, since the reply message will automatically contain a reference to the current message in the References line in the header. THelpTopic Help on Uqwk Commands Use this dialog as many times as you like to subscribe, unsubscribe, catchup or list newsgroups. When you quit reading messages a message will be composed for you to UQWK, containing the commands you've entered. When you upload your messages, they will then take effect. A shell command can also be entered, to be run. Anything written to standard output will then be mailed back to you. See the uqwk man pages for more information. THelpTopic Press Esc, then return twice and you will write a message to uqwk to subscribe to the selected newsgroup. THelpTopic Press Esc, then return twice and you will write a message to uqwk to unsubscribe to the selected newsgroup. THelpTopic Press Esc, then return twice and you will write a message to uqwk to catchup (mark all messages as read) to the selected newsgroup. THelpTopic Help on Kill Message by dialogs There are two dialogs used to maintain the subject and from kill lists. The lists are maintained as pick lists. Whatever entries are in these lists will be used to mark messages with a k. To skip killed messages, press the space bar to go to the next message. If you use the space bar to open the message list, killed (or read) messages will not be displayed. There is a global (for all newsgroups) kill list that can be accessed from the menu and the message in packet mode. There is also a separate kill list for each newsgroup in databasing mode that is accessed only from a message. THelpTopic This is a list of kill phrases for the Subject line in the header of a message and can be changed like any standard pick list. THelpTopic This is a list of kill phrases for the From line in the header of a message and can be changed like any standard pick list. THelpTopic Help on kill list dialogs There are two dialogs used to maintain the subject and from kill lists. The lists are maintained as pick lists. Whatever entries are in these lists will be used to mark messages with a k. Add an * to match a phrase starting with, ending with or containing the entry. For example, *bicycle* in the subject kill list would kill all messages with the word bicycle in the subject. I To skip killed messages, press the space bar to go to the next message. THelpTopic Help on Subject button Select this button to bring up the kill Subject dialog box. THelpTopic Help on From button Select this button to bring up the kill From dialog box. THelpTopic Mail Outgoing Send Mail Selecting this brings up a dialog which allows you to enter the subject of the message and who to send it to. Your editor entered setup is then run with a temporary file, so you can enter your email message. THelpTopic Mail Outgoing Send News Selecting this brings up a dialog which allows you to enter the subject of the message and the newsgroup to send it to. Your editor entered setup is then run with a temporary file, so you can enter your newsgroup message. THelpTopic Mail Outgoing Review Replies Selecting this lets you check your replies before uploading them. The messages can also be edited or deleted, and the changes will be added to your reply packet. THelpTopic Each of these picklists can be accessed somewhere else in NewsWerthy, and are included here for your convenience. See the help on each, for their purpose and how to change them. THelpTopic Setup Directories & Utilities Use this to enter the various directories and utility programs used. THelpTopic Setup Message Options Use this to select various quoting styles and reading styles. THelpTopic Setup Databasing Options Use this to select between reading a packet at a time, and various databasing options. THelpTopic Setup Printer Options Use this to enter the printer options. THelpTopic Setup Register your copy Use this to register your copy of NewsWerthy. Be sure to enter your name and code number exactly as received in the mail (use capitols as shown). THelpTopic Help on Download Directory Enter the path of the directory where your mail packets are stored or enter the pathname of the packet file. See manual for details. THelpTopic Help on Work Directory Enter the path of the directory where you want the news packet uncompressed into. Pick lists for that packet are also stored here along with some temporary files that are created. Don't use a ram drive, since the pick lists are saved here. A You may want to use a separate directory for each BBS you call. THelpTopic Help on Upload Directory Enter the path of the directory where your replies will be compressed into or enter the pathname of the reply file. See manual for details. THelpTopic Help on Folders Directory Enter the path of the directory where folders are saved. This needs to be a directory that is used exclusively for this purpose to avoid file name conflicts. For example: C:\NWERTHY\FOLDERS THelpTopic Help on Saved Directory Enter the path of the directory where text files and file attachments are saved. For example: C:\NWERTHY\SAVED THelpTopic Help on Editor Enter the name of the program used to edit your messages. Include the full pathname if not on your path. THelpTopic Help on Screen Saver Enter the name of the screen saver program that will run when NewsWerthy is not being used. Include the full pathname if it is not on your path. Some screen savers need to be started from their directory. If this problem occurs, see the manual on how to make it work. THelpTopic Help on Idle Minutes Enter from 1 to 1000 for the minutes before running the screen saver. THelpTopic Help on External Viewer Enter the name of the program used as an external viewer of messages. Include the full pathname if not on your path. This can be a text editor or text viewer. THelpTopic Help on Quoting Formats When replying to a message, the text of the message can be quoted. The first line of the quoted text can contain information from the quoted message's header, such as the name of author or the message Id. The newsgroup name can also be included. The following variables can be used: e %A Address (Email) %D Date %F Full address %G Groupname %M Message Id %N Name of author Examples: * On %D in %G you wrote: In %M, %F wrote: The above would expand to: G On 26 Aug 1994 08:30:00 -0800 in alt.usenet.offline-reader you wrote: L In <2megq8$>, William Werth ( wrote: - Note: %M is not present in an email message THelpTopic Help on Quoting Characters When replying to a message, the text of the message can be quoted. Up to two characters can be added to the begining of each quoted line. To add a space use the underscore (_). Z For example ">_" would add a ">" character and a space at the start of each quoted line. THelpTopic Help on Miscellaneous Select Word Wrap to allow lines longer than 78 characters to wrap onto the next line. This also turns on expanding tabs to 8 spaces, instead of 1 space. Select Quote With Initials, so that when replying to a message, the first two characters of each quoted line, will be the authors initials. Select Increment Packet Name to increment the filename and save the packet in the download directory. Up to 9 packets will be saved. If the packet was named YOURBBS.ZIP, the new name will be YOURBBS1.ZIP. If this option is not selected, you will be prompted to delete the packet. a Select Hide Read Newsgroups to only show newsgroups with unread messages in the newsgroup list. Select Separate Mailing Lists to automatically place mail from mailing lists in their own "newsgroups", otherwise all email will be in one group only. THelpTopic Help on Message Reading Style There are two ways to read messages. The first "Standard" displays a message, then returns to the message index, where you can select the next message to view. This would be prefered if you are reading only a few of the messages. The second "Esc to Index" displays a message, then goes to the next unread message. Esc must be pressed to see the message index. This would be prefered if you are reading most of the messages. THelpTopic Help on Message Threading Style Message subjects (along with number of lines and the author) are displayed in a selection list. There are two ways to sort the subject and three ways to display it. The first sorting method puts all subjects starting with "Re:" with other messages starting with R. The second method ignores the "Re:", and sorts on the text that follows, (this groups replies with the original message). i The first display method shows the subject with the "Re:". The second method shows subjects without the "Re:". The third method displays the subjects without the "Re:", and one ">" appended in front of the subject for each reference, in the References: line. A maximum of ten ">" will be added. This gives an indication of how long the thread has been active. THelpTopic Help on Database Options These expiration options take effect whenever a new packet is imported into the database of old messages. Any combination of the top five can be checked. When "Expire all messages" is checked, NewsWerthy is in the "Packet" mode, and no old messages are kept in the database. No more than the "Maximum Messages in Newsgroup" will be saved in any newsgroup. The "Expire Messages after (Days)" will remove all message that are older than that many days if "Expire old messages" is checked. If "Save Read Messages" is checked, the read messages will be saved on the next import of a news packet to the folder specified. If "Expire Killed Messages" is checked, messages marked killed, will deleted on the next import of a news packet. THelpTopic News Incoming Expire Messages in Database See help on Database Options for what Normal Expire Messages does. Use Expire All Messages to delete all messages in database, yet leave the newsgroups in place. Use Expire Read Messages to delete only the messages marked read. THelpTopic Help on Lines Per Page Most printers that use continuous feed paper print 66 lines on a page. Single sheet printers may print less. Subtract the number of lines for the top and bottom margins, and enter that here. Enter 0, if you want to print with no page separations. THelpTopic Help on Top Margin Enter the number of blank lines you want printed at the top of the page. THelpTopic Help on Eject Last Page The last page printed will eject (formfeed) if selected. THelpTopic Help on Print Short Header If selected, only the Date, From, and Subject as it appears at the top of the message will be printed instead of the entire message header. THelpTopic Setup Colors Setup Use this to modify NewsWerthy's color scheme. THelpTopic Help on Colors Colors can be easily changed using the mouse, or through a combination of the tab and arrow keys. Try changing only one color at a time and then see its effect. Some changes effect only one screen, but most change a similar type of object across all screens. There is also usually more than one place where a color can be changed in the Colors dialog. THelpTopic Help on Sorting Messages The message list normally is sorted on the subject. This can temporarily be changed to use the date, author (From) or none (displayed in order in file). THelpTopic Help on Alias Type Check this box if this is an email address of an address list. This will improve NewsWerthy's ability to put the list into a separate group. THelpTopic Help on Alias Enter a single alias on this line. When the message is sent it will expand to the contents of the Email Address line. This allows you to send email to a group of recipients with a single message. The only limit is that when fully expanded, the line can't exceed 1023 characters. THelpTopic Help on Email Address Include as many email addresses, or aliases on this line as will fit (255 characters maximum). Separate each by a comma and a space (, ). THelpTopic Help on Comment This line is used as a comment to yourself. THelpTopic Help on Marking Message Puts a by the message for use in saving, printing and deleting messages. Marking a second time removes the check mark. THelpTopic Help on Adding Email Address to Address Book The email address can be extracted from the messages To: or From: line. The From: line is the author of the message, and the To: line would be used to get the address of the mailing list. Most, but not all messages from a mailing list will contain the email address in the To: line. THelpTopic Help on General Help Just about any menu or dialog has help available when the F1 key is pressed. THelpTopic Help on About When you choose About from the help menu, a dialog box appears, showing copyright and version information. G To close the box, press Esc, Space, or Enter, or click the OK button. THelpTopic Help on About To close the box, press Esc, Space, or Enter, or click the OK button. THelpTopic Help on Cancel Button Select this using the Tab key, then pressing Enter or with the mouse to cancel all changes made in the Dialog box. THelpTopic Help on OK Button Select this by pressing Enter or with the mouse to accept all changes made in the Dialog box. THelpTopic not used THelpTopic Help on New Packet Dialog Box The New Packet dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Open), plus a history list that's attached to the Name inputbox. THelpTopic Save message as The Save Message as input box is where you enter the name of the file to save the message to, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.TXT). THelpTopic Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the file to uncompress, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.ZIP). THelpTopic Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the file to view, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.TXT). THelpTopic Files FILENM01.ZIP FILENM09.ZIP FILENM02.ZIP FILENM10.ZIP FILENM03.ZIP FILENM11.ZIP FILENM04.ZIP FILENM12.ZIP FILENM05.ZIP .. FILENM06.ZIP \FOLDERS FILENM07.ZIP \TXT FILENM08.ZIP \FAQS.DIR The Files list box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. Press Enter with a directory name highligted to list its contents. C:\RP\EXAMPLES\*.ZIP FIRST.ZIP 52 Jul 14,1993 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. THelpTopic [ Open ] In the New Packet dialog box, if you choose the Open button, the selected file is uncompressed and indexes are generated so that the messages can be read. THelpTopic [ Open ] In the View a File dialog box, if you choose the Open button, the selected file is opened for viewing. THelpTopic [ OK ] In the Save Message dialog box, if you choose the OK button, the message is appended to the selected file. THelpTopic Help on Search Phrase A search phrase can consist of more than one word or part of a word. If more than one phrase is used, seperate them with a semicolon (;). For example: cycle;ten speed This will find all matches, whether upper or lower case that contain any one of the above. It will not find the word ten unless followed by the word speed. It will find the word bicycle, since it contains the word cycle. THelpTopic Help on History or Picklist A pick list or history list can be opened whenever you see the down arrow next to the input line. To select an item from the list, highlight it then press the Enter key. C There are two differences between a pick list and a history list. | 1) A a pick list will be saved to disk before you exit NewsWerthy, but a history list is only temporarily saved in memory. 2) Items entered on the input line are automatically added to a history list, but a picklist must be changed using the Edit, Delete and Add commands. THelpTopic Help on Picklist Pick lists are used to store commonly used entries. They are saved to disk before you exit NewsWerthy. | To select an item from the list use the arrow keys, mouse or press the first letter of the item, then press the Enter key. u Items entered on the input line are not added to a picklist, it is changed using the Edit, Delete and Add commands. : Pressing Alt-E allows you to change an item in the list. : Pressing Alt-D deletes the item highlighted in the list. 5 Pressing Alt-A adds an item to the end of the list. THelpTopic Help on Keys Special meaning of keys while reading messages: 1 space bar, Ins - next page, next unread message 2 Enter - to read a message marked read or killed. % Tab - next subject in messages list 1 Esc, Del - to display message or newsgroup list General purpose keys: = Esc - to exit the current item (same as cancel in a dialog) . Up Arrow - to scroll up in a list or window. R Down Arrow - to scroll down in a list or window, or open a history or pick list. G Left Arrow - to move the cursor or view text to the left in a window. I Right Arrow - to move the cursor or view text to the right in a window. 9 Ctrl-Left Arrow - to view text to the left in a window. ; Ctrl-Right Arrow - to view text to the right in a window. - Page Up - to scroll up in a list or window. 1 Page Down - to scroll down in a list or window. Home - to go to the start of the body of the message. In a list it goes to the first line shown on the screen (not the start of the list). In the file viewer it shows the start of a line. X End - to go to the last line shown on the screen (not the end of the message or list). @ Ctrl-Page Up - to go to the first line in the message or list. A Ctrl-Page Down - to go to the last line in the message or list. + Tab - to go to next object on the screen. 5 Shift Tab - to go to previous object on the screen. P Enter - to accept changes made on the screen or to choose the selected button. ) Press Esc to put this help screen away. THelpTopic Help on Mouse Windows can be scrolled up and down or left or right. Click on the small arrow that points in the direction you want to go or hold the mouse button down on the position icon and move it. O Windows can be closed by clicking on the close icon in the upper left corner. T Buttons and other objects are selected by clicking on them with the mouse pointer. < An item in a list may open a new window if double-clicked. Clicking on the message text with the left button, pages down. Double-clicking on the message text, brings up the next unread message. Right clicking on the message text, brings up the index. THelpIndex